Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

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Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi

Ilmu pengetahuan muncul sebagai akibat dari aktivitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia,baik kebutuhan jasmani maupun kebutuhan rohani. Tujuan utama perkembangan iptek adalah perubahan kehidupan masa depan manusia yang lebih baik, mudah, murah, cepat dan aman. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia tertinggal jauh dan sangat memprihatinkan dibanding Negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat bahkan pula di Negara-negara Asia misalnya Jepang dan China. Hal ini disebabkan karena :
  1. Masih terbatasnya orang Indonesia yang mendapat pendidikan barat terutama pendidikan tinggi.
  2. Kurangnya keinginan dari pemerintah maupun perusahaan swasta yang ada di Indonesia untuk melakukan ahli teknologi
  3. Tidak adanya inovasi teknologi yang berarti di dalam masyarakat indonesia itu sendiri,ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di indonesia mulai berkembang dimana ditandai dangan adanya perguruan tinggi dan pusat-pusat penelitian seperti lembaga ilmu pengetahuan (LIPI) dan juga badan pengkajian dan penerapan teknologi (BPPT)

How about information technology in 2013 ?

there are five channel hotspots

Feeling a sense of déjà vu? You should, since many themes that dominated technology solution providers' strategies in 2012 will continue to drive the agenda in 2013.
Here are five of the biggest information technology trends likely to come up often in customer conversations in the year to come -- regardless of whether your company chooses to build services or business practices around them.

Bring-your-own device, redux

If your staff is overwhelmed with figuring out how to manage the personal media tablets, notebook computers and smartphones that people are sneaking into the workplace, brace yourself. The trend will accelerate in 2013.
Close to 59% of small and midsize businesses (SMBs) already support BYOD in some form, with the trend even higher in companies with fewer than 20 employees, according to abiannual survey of SMB IT intentions conducted by Spiceworks Inc.
The most commonly supported devices are smartphones, followed by tablets, the data shows. The responses reflect the opinions of nearly 1,400 IT professionals at companies with fewer than 1,000 employees. About 55% of those respondents were from businesses with fewer than 100 people on staff.
"To be fair, people were talking about this a long time before they started doing it. … But we definitely are starting to see more widespread adoption of BYOD," said Dave Casey, CEO ofWestron Communications Inc., a network integrator in Frisco, Texas. "It's been slower than expected, but it's coming."
That means more IT solution providers and managed service providers (MSPs) will find themselves in the position of recommending to what extent (or not) their clients should support these devices within their infrastructure. Those recommendations might include implementing new security measures, including virtual desktop infrastructure, or specifying specific pieces of equipment or configurations that would be allowed to connect to the network.
The BYOD trend is having a related effect at the infrastructure level, often in the form of corporate wireless network investments. "Companies are struggling to keep up with the fact that so many devices are competing for a connection," Casey said.
One trend he is watching particularly closely: WiFi services that don't require major equipment investments but that are provisioned via the cloud. That's exactly the sort of service that drove Cisco Systems Inc.'s $1.2 billion acquisition of Meraki Inc. in mid-November.

Cloud adoption by small businesses

Another 2013 technology trend that seems to crop up perennially is accelerating interest incloud infrastructure and application services.
Although it may be partly a regional trend related to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy,Baroan Technologies is experiencing a dramatic uptick in Microsoft Office 365 deals, said Guy Baroan, founder and president of the solution provider, which is based in Elmwood Park, N.J.
"We are knee-deep in it. The business was picking up before Sandy, and now interest has quadrupled," he said. Google's decision to stop offering the free version of a rival set of cloud-delivered productivity apps is also a factor in the increase.
Baroan views knowledge of the Microsoft cloud suite as essential for building deeper relationships with his clients, even if it means the company might lose out on some on-premises projects.
"This is the right thing for many of them, and by helping them evaluate their options, we are becoming more 'sticky' in these accounts," he said.
More than 62% of the SMBs surveyed by Spiceworks are using some cloud-based service, a significant increase over the first half of 2012. Another 11% of respondents indicate that they plan to start using them during the first half of 2013.

Disaster recovery investments (for real)

There is a clear link between the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy and a shift in how businesses are thinking about their disaster recovery options, no matter what region they call home.
Following the hurricane, many businesses across the Northeast were offline for days, because their contingency plans were far too regional in nature. Many New York-based companies, for example, were using replication sites in places such as New Jersey or Staten Island, which were also hammered by the hurricane -- leaving them offline for days.
What's different now is that companies are more willing to update their strategies frequently and to consider cloud infrastructure far away from their headquarters locations to be a viable option, Baroan said.
"As prepared as we were, we weren't prepared for the level of devastation. It was a reminder that plans need to progress and evolve constantly; they can't be fixed in time," he said.
This begs the question: When was the last time you talked to your clients about their disaster recovery plans?

new life, new friend, now college !

How i can start this?
2013 ini saya memulai tahun ajaran baru yang benar-benar BARU
suasana baru, lingkungan baru, teman baru, cara belajar baru dan semua-muanya.
yap, kuliah.
dan inilah sedikit informasi tentang kampus saya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

adalah perguruan tinggi swasta terakreditasi "A" dengan Nomor SK: 074/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/PT/II/2013, yang berpusat di kampus III terpadu Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Universitas yang berdiri pada tahun 1964 ini berinduk pada organisasi Muhammadiyah dan merupakan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah terbesar di Jawa Timur. UMM termasuk dalam jajaran PTS terkemuka di Indonesia bersama UII dan UMY. Oleh karena didominasi warna dinding putih, UMM sering disebut sebagai kampus putih.

UMM merupakan salah satu universitas yang tumbuh cepat, sehingga oleh PP Muhammadiyah diberi amanat sebagai perguruan tinggi pembina untuk seluruh PTM (Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah) wilayah Indonesia Timur. Program-program yang didisain dengan cermat menjadikan UMM sebagai "The Real University", yaitu universitas yang benar-benar universitas dalam artian sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi yang selalu komit dalam mengembangkan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.

Pada sekarang ini Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) menempati 3 lokasi kampus, yaitu kampus I di Jalan Bandung 1, kampus II di Jalan Bendungan Sutami 188 A dan kampus III di Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246. Kampus satu yang merupakan cikal bakal UMM, dan sekarang ini dikonsentrasikan untuk program Pasca Sarjana. Sedangkan kampus II yang dulu merupakan pusat kegiatan utama , sekarang di konsentrasikan sebagai kampus Fakultas Kedokteran dan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan. Sedangkan kampus III sebagai kampus terpadu dijadikan sebagai pusat sari seluruh aktivitas.

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013


This pict, remind me about you
about the thing that you gave for me,
when we touring to Bandung and Jogja with our friends
Last year

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sumber : Buku Panduan Pelatihan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi 2013 - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang